
Blueberry (Vaccinium)

Spesies Blueberry
  • Vaccinium angustifolium (Low BlueberryBushes)
  • Vaccinium boreale (North Blueberries)
  • Vaccinium caesariense (Blueberry New Jersey)
  • Vaccinium corymbosum (Northern High BushBlueberries)
  • Vaccinium darrowii (Southern High BushBlueberry)
  • Vaccinium elliottii (Blueberry Elliott)
  • Vaccinium formosum (Southern Blueberry)
  • Vaccinium fuscatum (High Bush Black Blueberry; sin. V. atrococcum)
  • Vaccinium hirsutum (Blueberry Hairy)
  • Vaccinium myrtilloides (Blueberry Kanada)
  • Vaccinium pallidum (
    Blueberry Barren Land)
  • Vaccinium simulatum (Blueberry Bushes High Plateau)
  • Vaccinium tenellum (Southern Blueberry)
  • Vaccinium virgatum (Rabbit Eye Blueberry; sin. V. ashei)
Some species of blue fruit Vaccinium:
  • Vaccinium koreanum
  • Vaccinium myrsinites (Blueberry Green Leaf)

Active Compounds
Nutrition in Blueberries :
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6, Iron, Magnesium,Protein, Dietary fiber,
Sodium, Potassium, Carbohydrate.

Benefits and Function Blueberries
  1. To increase enduranceAccording to a studyblueberries turned out to contain moreantioxidants than other fruits and vegetablesAntioxidants are good for the immune system,by neutralizing the free radicals caused by toxins or cigarette. The antioxidant benefitsresulting from pigment-producing blue color in blueberries.
  2. Brain stimulation. Diligently eating blueberries can make the brain work more actively andmore clever. The study also said that the habit of eating blueberries can improve memory in later life.
  3. Good for dry skin. In the realm of beauty, blueberry donate one other important benefits,which smoothes skin texture.
  4. Helped sharpen vision. Consumption of blueberries every day two will avoid yourself from therisk of decreased vision in the eye due to increasing age.
  5. Healthy heart. Blueberries contain ingredients that are good for heart health. With theconsumption of five or six pieces each week, will help lower the risk of developing a heart attack.
  6. Lowering blood of glucose. Blueberry fruit is a fruit with a low glycemic index, which isgood for blood of glucose regulation, particularly for those with diabetes. Consumption ofthese five fruits every day, and you will feel the positive benefits to the body.  
  7. Prevent cancer. With diligent eating half a cup of blueberry juice every day, its anthocyanincontent can prevent cancer.
  8. Preventing infection in the urinary tract. Such as cranberries, blueberries are also good for preventing bacterial or bladder infection.
  9. Lose fat in the abdomen. With polyphenol ingredients found in them, nutritious blueberriesreduce excess fat around the stomach and reduce problems in the body's metabolism. Due to the low calorie content, the fruit is good to eat for you who were undergoing a diet program.
  10. Treating cellulite. Raw blueberries contains four grams of fiber. Fiber is in it more easilyabsorbed than water though.
  11. Good for the bones. Material containing manganese blueberries good for the bones so powerfulin strengthening bones and you will avoid the risk of brittle.


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