
Active Compounds

Papua Red Fruit / Kuansu (Pandanus Conoideus) is known as one of the traditional fruit in Indonesia. Originally from Papua / Irian Jaya.
Papua Red Fruit containing several active substances such as:
  • Total karotenoid 12.000 ppm
  • Total tokoferol 11.000 ppm
  • Betakaroten 700 ppm
  • Alfa tokoferol 500 ppm
  • Oleat Acid 58 %
  • Linoleat Acid 8,8 %
  • Linolenat Acid 7,8 %
  • Dekanoat 2,0 %
  • Omega 3
  • Omega 9

Processing Methods

How to cultivate Papua Red Fruit to be the drug was not difficult. After being washed until clean, halved red fruit sap to be discarded. After that, the fruit boiled in water for about an hour or until the fruit is red like the ink discharge if pressed the skin.

If it is so, the fruit was able to knead to get a red liquid. Red liquid collected in a glass and ready to drink.

Benefits and Function Papua Red Fruit Oil

1. Prevent dangerous diseases like cancer, tumor, stroke
   and heart disease
2. Improve the immune system (immunity) of the body
3. Increase stamina and vitality to the body
4. Improve food digestion system
5. Very good for eye health because of the high pro-vitamin A
6. Substances neutralize harmful free radicals
7. Lowering LDL cholesterol and increase HDL in the blood
8. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells
9. Streamlining the process of metabolism
10. Increase endurance and speed up the recovery from illness
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