
Dragon Fruit / Pitaya (Hylocereus and Selenicereus)

Active Compounds

In 100 g dragon fruit, containing 60 kcal calories, 0.53 g protein, 11.5 g carbohydrates, 0.71 g fiber, 134.5 mg calcium, phosphorus 87 mg, 0.65 mg of iron, vitamin C 9, 4 mg, and the amount of water as much as 90%.
Sources of Vitamin C

Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C can boost the immune system. Dried dragon fruit found to contain 10 times more vitamin C your body needs. 

Sources of Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Other vitamins in dragon fruit is Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Its function is to process carbohydrates faster Degnan and generate energy for the body. 

Sources of Vitamin B3 (niacin) 

Dragon fruit potent cholesterol lowering as vitamin B3 or niacin in it. This vitamin is also able to make the skin look smooth and naturally radiant from within. 

Sources of Vitamin B12

The content of vitamin B12 make this fruit a good appetite stimulant. Especially for people who are in a period of healing, dragon fruit is highly recommended for consumption. 

Fiber rich

Dragon fruit contains fiber which is quite high, so efficacious to overcome some digestive problems such as constipation or difficult bowel movements. 

Mineral rich

Minerals contained in dragon fruit is phosphorus and calcium. Both have a role in the formation of bones, teeth, and cell growth. 

Content of Antioxidants 

Dragon fruit is a good source of antioxidants to prevent the attack from free radicals that cause cancer and other health problems. 

Content of Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient needed by the body to form hormones, enzymes, and other compounds. Keep protein levels in the body by eating this fruit regularly. 


There are lots of small seeds in dragon fruit. Apparently, this seed is unsaturated fat is good for health because it lowers good cholesterol and removes bad cholesterol. 

Controlling blood sugar 

For patients with type 2 diabetes, this fruit is best consumed in order to control blood sugar in balance.

Lowers blood pressure 

Consumption of dragon fruit is able to restore normal levels of hypertension a person. Ya good news for those at risk of heart attack and stroke. 

Neutralize toxins 

Toxins in the body such as mercury, arsenic, etc., endanger health. However, all the toxins can be neutralized by diligently eating dragon fruit. 

Eye health 

Dragon fruit contains carotene which helps maintain and improve vision. This is good news for those who do not like to eat carrots. 

Lose weight

On a diet? Try entering the dragon fruit as a snack everyday. Over the next few months, you will see your body looks sleek and idealized. 

Treat asthma

Cough and asthma, a respiratory disorder that often strikes children and adults. Relieve symptoms diligently eating dragon fruit.


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